A statement to the Citizens of Colville
RE: Community Christmas Tree.
The Colville Chamber of Commerce appreciates your comments and feedback on returning a natural Community Christmas Tree to Downtown Colville. Like many community organizations, we have been affected by a lack of board members and volunteers. Additionally, the Colville Chamber has been in the midst of a restructuring, hiring new staff, and updating our office technology—all of this happening with an undersized board.
Over the past years, we have received a number of complaints about the Community Christmas tree, such as "not the right shape," "don't like the lights," "don't like the ornaments," etc. Last year, Colville Together put up a manufactured tree in Heritage Court that was well received. The suggestion was that we use this as our community tree this year. At the time, this seemed to be an acceptable option. Apparently not.
The groundswell of support for a natural, community Christmas tree has been tremendous. It would appear that a "natural" Community Christmas tree will once again adorn the Main Street of Colville. I want to praise Jeff Pitts and Kris Inman DePaulo for their efforts to return a natural Christmas tree to Downtown this year. In retrospect, the Christmas tree cause has involved many who normally would not have been involved. Thank you to those people who have stepped up.
I suggest that in the future, a committee be formed to specifically address the display of a natural Community Christmas tree. This would involve the many, not the few. The Chamber will be happy to host such a committee, hopefully including other community organizations within the project. Let's all continue to make Colville a better place to live and work.
Ryke Dahlen, President, Colville Chamber of Commerce
Colville Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Information Center
986 S Main, Suite B
Colville, WA 99114
(509) 684-5973